Pursue All Your Dreams

About PAYD Apparel


Almost Doesn’t Count is one of the central themes behind PAYD Apparel. No matter what you might be thinking of doing or wanting to do at some point you just have to do it. Many people want to be successful, but will simply never take the first step. Success is achieved through Effort, Determination, and Perseverance. These three attributes are the foundation of accomplishing your dreams.

PAYD Apparel isn’t simply a clothing brand, and Pursue All Your Dreams isn’t just a statement. A portion of the profits from PAYD Apparel will be used to begin the PAYD Institute, which will serve as an enrichment program for youth ages 13-18. This program is designed to provide after school tutoring, as well as lessons in Entrepreneurship, Fashion Design, Music Production, Resume Building and other vital areas where youth need guidance.

No matter what anyone says, never settle for anything less than greatness and always remember to “Pursue All Your Dreams.”